Christmas All Through the South: Colonial Williamsburg

It’s Christmas week, what better time for the Novel Bakers to share a wonderful book from Southern Living: Christmas All Through the South!  Not only does this book include tempting recipes (and not only extremes such as Martha Washington’s Great Cake with 4 pounds of sugar and 40 eggs), inspirational decor ideas, and essays from southern writers on such diverse topics as…

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Christmas Shopping With My Traveling Tote

Hello friends of the Traveling Tote Adventures!  Since last we met I understand that my tote, Miss Rosie, took the opportunity to tell you of our summer travels (here)!  She was so pleased with herself that she then retired for the winter to a life of rest and leisure, and my other totes, Miss Posie and Dot, joined me for…

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Dessert with The Novel Bakers: Forest Feast Gatherings

The Forest Feast Gatherings is filled with easy recipes and simple ideas for entertaining and creating ambience for a party, and includes several menus for party buffet bars, including a Breakfast Taco Bar and a Grilled Cheese Party.  There are also complete menus for different occasions.  The dessert on the Winter Feast menu was so tempting, and I decided it would be easily…

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Happy Birthday America!

On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to declare independence from Britain, and two days later, on July 4, 1776, the Congress ratified the document so eloquently written by Thomas Jefferson, at once declaring independence and establishing a new nation: “these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States … And for the support of…

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Let’s Dish Up an Irish Flag Poke Cake

When I was growing up there was hardly ever a day when there was not a cake in my house, usually chocolate of some variety unless there was a special occasion for something festive.  The cake ALWAYS came from a box mix, baked by me or my sister, and topped by a homemade frosting.  Prepared frostings and the powdered sugar…

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Tales of the Traveling Totes: ‘Twas the Month Before Christmas

’Twas the month before Christmas, and all through the towns, The Traveling Totes were making the rounds. Miss Poppy, Miss Posie, Miss Rosie and Dot Each had an outing to a favorite spot. ************************************************ Miss Rosie was nestled away for the fall but she sprang from her wrappings at my frantic call! She was already dressed in her handles of…

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When last we talked I was moaning about having the flu.   HA!!  Little did I know that an even more serious bug had established a base in my body, and that the next several weeks would be spent battling an  awful fever, extreme aches, utter exhaustion, and a serious bout of pneumonia. I have been very sick but I am on…

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Three Cheers

Three cheers for the red, white and blue, for picnic baskets  and Mary too! I was preparing the deck for upcoming celebrations with the help of my furry personal assistant, when the doorbell rang. I knew something special was coming because I had recently heard from Mary that I was the winner of her fabulous “Home Is Where the Boat…

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Stars and Stripes Forever

“A flag may be a flimsy bit of printed gauze, or a beautiful banner of finest silk. Its intrinsic value may be trifling or great, but its real value is beyond price, for it is a precious symbol  of all that we and our comrades have  worked for  and lived for,  and died for, a free Nation of free men, true…

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Starting At the Center

When I set the table I usually have to do the same thing I do when I pack for a trip–look at everything I have out, then reduce by half.   Otherwise, there is simply not enough room for the food. A single large centerpiece requires space planning! This basket will adorn my dining room table for Easter dinner.  …

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