
Sunflower Harvest

3000 B.C. ~~ long before we were using the glorious SUNFLOWER to adorn our dishes and tabletops ~~

 ~~ and long before van Gogh and O’Keeffe were inspired by its beauty ~~

van Gogh


~~ Native Americans in the southwest had domesticated it and were pounding and squeezing its seeds into flour and oil, and using various parts of the plant for building material, body paint, and textile dyes. 

Although the sunflower is native to North America, it has become an important worldwide commercial crop.

National Sunflower Association

And its harvesting is not limited to humans!  Birds and other creatures seek out the sunflower seed for its intense energy content.

I think my sunflower dishes are an appropriate choice for 
my harvest Table for Two.

These dishes are part of my Charlotte Dishes collection.  
I can’t resist a dish in any Charlotte pattern!

There are many varieties of plates in this collection, 
so we’ll have several courses.

Let’s start with pumpkin soup.  

Creamed or clear broth with pasta ~~ both are delicious!

Chicken and butternut squash will be the entree ~~

with a salad of baby greens, grapes, raspberry vinaigrette 
and sunflower kernels ~~

~~ and then dessert ~~
pumpkin pie, of course!  

A little candlelight adds a golden glow to the table on early fall nights.

And we should be thankful for the busy bees who pollinate the sunflowers and pumpkin vine flowers!

Thanks to my helper … 🙂 

Shall I add sunflower kernels to your salad?

Or do you prefer to feed them to the birds?

I’m joining 
the Harvest Table party at
Cuisine Kathleen
Tablescape Thursday at
Between Naps on the Porch
Seasonal Sundays at
The Tablescaper

Linda 🙂
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22 thoughts on “Sunflower Harvest

  1. This is really sweet!!!!! I like the references to other uses (because we tend to forget that sunflowers aren’t just for decorating!), and all the “real life” photos here and there. Very cool to used votive holders that resemble beehives, too, given all the pollinating bees on your table. Cool!

  2. Those plates are most charming. I love them. So stylized and pretty. I love the sunflowers on the table and the menu sounds delish! I love the napkin rings too. They fit so perfectly. Your photos of the birds and squirrel are wonderful. great table.. xo marlis

  3. What a darling post and I’m in love with your Charlotte dishes, too. I’ve never heard of them, but they are beautiful. The meal sounds perfect and I love sunflower seeds in my salad….I’ll be right over.

  4. Linda~ What a wonderful harvest of Charlotte dishes! I love the pairing of the pumpkin with the sunflower! My MIL directed me to a sunflower field this summer~ I was amazed at all the busy bees swarming them. I love your checked runner and napkins with your wire flower napkin ring!

  5. Very nice presentation, both the table setting and the information provided. I think taking time to make a table for two special is well worth the effort.
    Hmmm, I see you are still here and not at WordPress which indicates your presence there but no post.

  6. I just love a little history lesson with a tablescape! Your dishes are so fun and cheerful! I bet everything would taste good on them! Your vase of sunflowers is pretty enough to be a painting! Thanks for sharing!

  7. What a great fall table. I love sunflowers. We planted some this year and they started to grow and then just like that they all died. We will give it another shot next year. We also have a wonderful farmers markets that sells bundles of sunflowers for a great price. It lasted 2 weeks as a centerpiece, I just love them.

  8. Beautiful table for two! Love the sunflowers, so cheerful! The seeds are good too! 🙂
    Thanks so much for taking the challenge and coming up with this pretty table!
    No challenge for Oct. Some don’t celebrate Halloween, and in October everyone is doing pumpkins, so it is free skate all month!
    I’ll put you back on my blog list, no problem!

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