(Yep. That’s true. The trees and the cedar closet. And the house’s voice that said to me when I walked through the front door, “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you!”)
A few weeks ago I spied a pair of Baltimore Orioles flying in and out of one apple tree! I was ecstatic! Maybe we would have a nest.

Our house is surrounded by our own four acres (mostly wooded), with eight wooded acres to the north, four to the west, six to the south and five to the east. But even with all those trees, our house is covered in nests!!

Nuthatches love our bird bottles.
If you don’t have a bird bottle you must get one.
This spring we cleaned out the bottle and found the little nest, complete with tiny bluejay feathers tucked in. Nuthatches are pretty tough birds!
Our deck has two tables. The tiny table at the far end of the deck is just big enough for two.
I’ve used it for homecoming brunches …
… and everyday blueberry breakfasts!
The table near the kitchen is large enough to hold twelve,
although it is also comfortable for four.
Fourth of July Table
Cape Cod Table
Mermaid Table
Decorating around the umbrella pole is a challenge, but I usually find something fun to put there.
Maybe fish,
maybe a fisherman.
I went away for awhile and returned with plans for springtime celebrations and new tabletops for the deck, and eager to see which pair of birds was nesting in the apple tree.
I was greeted by this beautiful sight
on the tiny table …
and this mess on the other.
I looked up.
For the next several days I spent most of my time watching Momma Robin feather her nest. When it was ready she laid one tiny blue egg each day.
Now she is sitting and keeping those eggs warm.
I watch from my kitchen window.
Daddy Robin watches from nearby.
No one messes with him.
That lamp is 18″ tall.
If we go out on the deck Daddy Robin makes it clear that he does not like it.
Did you know that robins dive bomb birds and humans who come too close to their nests???
So my springtime tables have been decorated by
Mother Nature
Momma Robin.
I see the orioles flying nearby too, but their nest location remains a mystery to me.
And the robins think they are quite clever.
I have my front door to use this year.
But not my deck.
Today I am joining the
Most Marvelous Marty
at A Stroll Thru Life
Tabletop Tuesday
and sensational Sue at
A Southern Daydreamer
Outdoor Wednesday
The robins can be very persistent in what they want to do. And yes, I’ve been dive bombed quite a few times myself! Hopefully you’ll have your deck back by the 4th of July. Nice to see a post from you Linda:@)
I think it is very generous of you to let the birds have your space. We cater to them here too.
What a smart momma and a nice grandma (you) to allow them to nest under the shelfter of your umbrella. With all the rain….:) Love your dining areas and especially love the bird plates and the 4th of July table. I am always amazed at the beautiful blue of robin’s eggs. Joni
You must just be so warm and welcoming that the birds want to get closer to you! How funny that they choose everywhere they can to nest rather than the woods – maybe there are scary things out there in those woods!!!!
I love the beautiful blue eggs and the cute little nuthatch. This was such a fun post.
Such a cute post. Love all your table settings and what nice bird nests that you can use later. Stay clear of daddy robin!
What a fun post! I really enjoyed reading about your guests and seeing the lovely pictures.
I love all your tablescapes but I love all the birds too….Christine
You haven’t lived until you have been attacked ny a mockingbird! Our neighbors cat is almost bald-they dive bomb him and pull his hair out. I think that cat will need therapy and a hair transplant soon! I love all your tablescapes-looking forward to more after the birds leave.
Linda, I really enjoyed your birds nesting and all the fabulous tablescapes. I love them all and so many great ideas to “copy”.:)
I have a bird bottle and for some reason no one has nested in it. I need to get it down and move to another spot. Did you get yours at Williamsburg? I just can’t get over how many bird nests you have, you luck thing.
Thanks for the nice comments on the baker’s rack post.
Hope you have a great week,
Hi Linda, I’ll gladly share my box wine with you;) Such a great post, and cool blog name! First off, I’m a huge bird lover so I enjoyed this post a great deal, not to mention the incredible table settings you’ve created! I see we have similar taste, the big red glass candle stick I also own ( I collect red glass, don’t ask me why) and the blue plates in your Blueberry Breakfast table, I also have only in red. Great minds drink alike, oops I mean “think” haha, thanks for stopping by and following, I’m honored to follow your blog too, xxx
I’m such a bird lover so I really enjoyed your post!!! Wow, you have so many nests…aren’t they fun to watch…messy but facinating! Also enjoyed all of your tablescapes…so pretty!
hi Linda, I am a lover of birds too, but this year we put a stop to the nesting under the side porch. Birds attacked my guest every time someone would come to the door. My husband put a hoe to hang where they make their nest, and they stayed away. Your tablescapes are all fabulous. I love your blueberry setting, lovely.
I enjoyed hearing how your daughter thinks LA is so vintage. That’s cute and true. I still love LA and I have a closet full in storage. I loved all the linens too, and visit the shops when I’m in UK.
Hope your week is great….
The French Hutch
Love your July 4th table! I would like to know more about a “bird bottle”??? Where do you get them? I have never seen them. We live in FL.
It is all lovely. Like pink snow out your window. I just love all your tablescapes but really love the patriotic one. Maybe because it is almost Memorial day.
You’ve set some lovely tablescapes. I haven’t played with my dishes in forever. I know the birds makes some messes, but they are so entertaining. hugs ~lynne~
The CAT wins most of the tic tac toe games. lol
What a beautiful deck and woods you get to view. Your tables are gorgeous! Love the beachy ones. We have a robin right out our back door in a shrub. She hasn’t attacked us yet, but she doesn’t like it when we come out. We put an herb garden right in front of the shrub this past weekend. We even tilled up the ground and she let us. I can’t wait till we have baby robins with their spotty chest.:)
It sounds like the birds reallv are protecting “their” space. Hopefully you will be able to use the deck later, after the eggs hatch. Cuz I really want to come to one of your blueberry breakfasts!!! I love your painted wood fish!!! I have never seen a “bird bottle” before. Gotta take a better look at those.
Oh my word, you really do have a ton of birds and so many nests. I think they really like you. Your tablescapes are all fabulous and such a wonderful place to sit and dine. The scenery is fabulous. Thanks so much for linking to TTT. Hugs, Marty
This post had me transfixed. …how fabulous that you will have chicks! Can’t wait. Beautiful tables. I want to be a guest. Who wouldn’t???
Nice bird in the bottle and very nice blueberry breakfast 🙂 Tina
What beautiful shots!!
Glad to be following you now…
Loved looking at your previous tablesettings. I am so jealous that you have Baltimore Orioles! We have seen them only very occasionally around here. Your petal covered table looks magical! Thanks so much for sharing these lovely nature-inspired pictures.
Hi lovely lady. I love all your Beautiful Tablescapes !!! You are so good sweet lady.We don’t have Baltimore Orioles down in Texas but I wish we did !!! I would like to thank you so much for your sweet comments on my Blog.
I do hope you have a Great Week sweet lady.
My goodness you have such gorgeous table settings! My faves are the BB breakfast and Cape Cod. In our house we just don’t have room enough to store things we don’t use on a regular basis : (
Have you put out grape jelly for the Orioles? Mine love it but I’m not sure how much longer they’ll keep coming in to eat. Gorgeous flowers on the deck!!!
Heavens to Betsy….those birds are nesting everywhere at your place. Trees everywhere and the birds pick here and there right by your patio how unusual. Table settings perfect; set like for a queen or at least a princess. Lovely, just lovely blog.
Joyce M
What beautiful country you are blessed to live in. So pretty.
I have found several bird nests but my mom always told me that they were covered in mites so I never get one for the house. Maybe I can find an faux one that I’ll be comfortable with.:))
Those are the prettiest blue eggs.
OH, I had so much fun with your post. Love the tables, love the birds and their cute nests. Love your house! Got me feeling what a pathetic life i have hehehehe! great shots!
I loved this post, Linda, and you and Mother Robin both do an excellent job with that table!
It’s late, and this old injury which has kicked up again has me awake, but that gives me the perfect excuse to drop by and to thank you for your sweet comments. I appreciate them and you more than you know. It’s been a rough few weeks, but it’s been a good time for reflection.
Sending you warm hugs across the miles, my friend…
Linda, your variety of tables is just wonderful to see!! Each one is so special & unique!
Laughing at your birds lovin’ your house for their nests. They must feel very protected by you.
Great photos, BTW,
Sneaky birds….Well, they are cute and those babies will be hatched and out of there before you know it for lots of deck time this Summer.
Great post!
Mother Nature is an impressive decorator! Love your shower of pink petals! It’s fun to watch the birds nesting, we put up a new house this spring and it was occupied 20 minutes later 🙂 I enjoyed seeing a recap of a few of my favorite tables, it’s difficult to decide it I prefer your Cape Cod or Mermaid one, but a Blueberry Breakfast is hard to beat!
This is my first visit to your site and I had a great time reading your posts. We have hooded oriloles here…they just feed in our yard…I love them! The mockingbirds dive bomb people here…they seem to leave me alone for some reason…I think maybe because I am outside so much…but my poor husband…You are so lucky to have such a large piece of property to enjoy! Thanks for sharing!